
November 6th, 2009

What is the final profit for a company whose initial profit of $212,000 experiences a 3% increase?

Solution for example of problems for the day:

Original profit $300, New profit $325
What is the change in profit as a percentage?
Step1: Calculate the difference in profit
425– 300 = 25
Step 2: Write the change as a fraction.
Step 3: Convert the fraction into a decimal.
25/300 = 0.083333
Step 4: Convert the decimal into a percentage.
0.083333 = 8% increase

1. Calculate the percent increase or decrease for the following profit changes

1)$410 and $350 answer 15% decrease
2)$525 and $675 answer 29% increase
3)$12,300 and $16,600 answer 35% increase
4)$34,400 and $33,900 answer 1% decrease

1)$575 and $450 answer 22% decrease
2)$925 and $975 answer 5% increase
3)$52,300 and $56,300 answer 8% increase
4)$14,400 and $9,100 answer 37% decrease

Calculate the percent increase or decrease for the following profits
1)$275 and $350
2)$31,925 and $32,070
3)$152,300 and $156,300
4) $1,400 and $2,000